Hi, My Name is

Arshad Shah.

Second Year Computer Science Student

Technological University Dublin, Ireland (TUDublin)

About me

Picture of arshad
Hello, I'm Arshad. I Like designing and creating stuff for all domains whether it is Mobile, Web, Desktop. My Goal is to make efficient, clean Applications that give an easy and perfect experience.

Cerificates And Achievements:

QQI Level 5 Certificate in software Development
08/2018 - 08/2019
With Distinction
Software Development, Web Development, Algorithms, Software Architecture


I like to Read books, Write Computer Programs and learn new Skills.


Portfolio Website
A Portfolio site that contains all the work i have done so far.
Includes work from college such as exercises, projects.
and also from outside college such as the android app.
Languages used:
HTML 5 | CSS 3 | Javascript | jQuery
Android App Project
An app that calculates Muslim Prayer times and displays it in a clean UI.
Features are Alarms for each prayer,
Tasbeeh counter, Qibla compass, Names of Allah with translation and transliterations
Languages used:
Kotlin | Xml
Library Booking System
A Library booking system that does account management such as log in register, and password reset, borrowing, returning, fines.
Languages used:
HTML 5 | CSS 3 | Javascript | jQuery | PHP | MySQL
Year 1 Website Project
A Website using modern technologies, about A.I.
Languages used:
HTML 5 | CSS 3 | Javascript | jQuery
School Exercises Year 1
All the Exercises from college during Module Web Development 1
Languages used:
HTML 5 | CSS 3 | Javascript
School Exercises Year 2
All the Exercises from college during Module Web Development 2
Languages used:
HTML 5 | CSS 3 | Javascript | PHP | MySQL